The Correlation of Proposition 16 and the Model Minority Myth

Christina Ngo
2 min readDec 10, 2020

The rising cases of hate crimes against Asians become more prevalent worldwide, especially during the present day as COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement became the hot topic. Because Asians are generally portrayed as silent and brush it off because it shouldn’t involve others, problems like xenophobia never go away for generations. In America, there have been many instances where many people have thrown racial slurs and brought harm to multiple minority groups.

With the election coming up, we analyze how Proposition 16; A constitutional amendment that was made to repeal Proposition 209 (Passed in 1996 and added into Section 31). Proposition 209 states “the state cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, and public contracting.” And within Santa Clara County, how the San Jose City council endorsed the campaign to pass Proposition 16 to give an opportunity to the minorities at a disadvantage whereas Ward Connerly heavily opposes it to keep Proposition 209 that was originally intended for the University of California school system.

The San Jose City Council gives insight into their plan of reinstating the affirmative action plan to address the growing problem of poverty in San Jose. In a very densely populated city, there are some areas that live in poverty due to the large numbers of growing businesses corporations. With the affirmative action, it can help out those families in need. This can help the Asian American community that do not fit the stereotypes of the model minority myth.

But according to the primary endorser of Proposition 209, Connerly has instated this proposition to disregard any background, gender, and race in the application of applying for UCs. It gives equal opportunity and no advantage to one group or another.

Proposition 16 is a controversial proposition that can possibly put many at either an advantage or a disadvantage to minority groups. Even with the original intent of giving minority groups the opportunity of representation and chances to escape poverty, it is still a topic that can go both ways. But thinking back to the affirmative action, it is to give minorities like Asian Americans the access to better jobs, better health programs, and assistance to escape the high rates of poverty.

